Amar Es La Respuesta Como Establecer Relaciones Positivas PDF

Amar Es La Respuesta Como Establecer Relaciones Positivas

April 27, 2024

Titulo del libro: Amar Es La Respuesta Como Establecer Relaciones Positivas

Whatever the problem, loving is the answer. From this premise, the book of Dr. Jampolsky and Diane V. Cirincione will help you to build healthy, constructive and complete relationships with the most important people in your life: friends, loved ones, partners, partners and, of course, you same. In clear and accessible language, he describes seven steps to overcome obstacles that hinder our contacts with others, and demonstrates the possibility of turning tension into freedom, pain into happiness and fear into love. Applying these tips to everyday life will consequently open the door to a future of authentic inner well-being and peace of mind. As a practical and intimate guide, Loving is the answer, it provides us with the ideal way to be happier, more productive and more in solidarity with others ... And with ourselves.

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