Cinc Dies D Octubre PDF

Cinc Dies D Octubre

April 28, 2024

Titulo del libro: Cinc Dies D Octubre

1948. Anyone després to leave the Valley of the Fallen in being indultat, Miquel Mascarell, the darrer police of the Republican Barcelona, has refet the seva life to the coast of the Patro, the youth that has saved his vegades. The visit of a frightening home that will make a great discovery, look for the tomb of his nebot, mort on July 18, 36, will again face the vell inspector amb els his fantasmes and the seva supervivència, in a city that has just been viure A war i looking for a nou futur. Durant aquests mateixos dies, to Madrid, a consell of war jutja the group of the vuitanta, the maquis that continue raining against the dictatorship. Quin secret amaga the corpse of the youth that seeks the tomb, in a face or creu a life or death, the cap de dotze anys dels fets, when no testimonies remain vius? Ambientada amb amb Accuracy i needed in lEspanya de lèpoca, Cinc dies Doctubre is a novella that will make the passat, potser per comprre the present.

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