Mejorar La Eficacia: Aprenda A Gestionar Su Tiempo Y A Potenciar Su Inteligencia PDF

Mejorar La Eficacia: Aprenda A Gestionar Su Tiempo Y A Potenciar Su Inteligencia

April 25, 2024

Titulo del libro: Mejorar La Eficacia: Aprenda A Gestionar Su Tiempo Y A Potenciar Su Inteligencia

Managing time and improving intelligence are two indispensable topics in todays world, whether one is employed or self-employed. Dr. Patrick Georges has helped thousands of people achieve this through their seminars and courses. In this book, he offers his method based on: reorganizing the day, his office, his agenda, his meals, his communication and his resistance to stress.

Libro Mejorar La Eficacia: Aprenda A Gestionar Su Tiempo Y A Potenciar Su Inteligencia pdf completo en español

Mejorar La Eficacia: Aprenda A Gestionar Su Tiempo Y A Potenciar Su Inteligencia epub