Qui Es Jesus De Natzaret PDF

Qui Es Jesus De Natzaret

April 27, 2024

Titulo del libro: Qui Es Jesus De Natzaret

He would not walk past a life of Jesus. Tampoc voldria fer a manual of academic christology. Don, what third way is it possible? The one that begins with the work of the historians and exegetes ends the seva tasca of presenting the Jesus of history. Voldria fer the camí that goes from the fets contingents of this history to the depth of the person of Jesus; The camí of truthful narration to misteri. This is the source of two confessable deities. Voldria show that faith is an adventurous pas for which they have begun their itinerary with fixed stares in Jesus. A coherent pas amb the coneixement of the history of the itinerant prophet. Voldria, too, offered a theology that was not so sols a feix de conceptes per aliment lenteniment, but a theology layer of uniting the connection, lafecte i lacció: a theology per a human life!

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